Improve Your Credit with an Auto Title Loan
|Car title loans, also known as pink slip loans, are somewhat of a last resort for those who need cash quickly, but can help if you’re really in a pinch. These loans work similar to a mortgage, except you borrow against the value of your car. Every so often in life, we have roadblocks that will require outside assistance from a financial institution.
Usually, traditional lenders require new applicants to have their credit profile reviewed before a determination is made to approve or deny the application requesting credit, and having hard inquiries from a financial institution doesn’t give a favorable effect on your credit rating. Actually, it can negatively impact your credit report if you have been denied a loan, or have too many inquiries on your report after trying to find a lender.
Don’t subject yourself into making a bad situation worse. There are ways to climb out of credit score abyss and into a healthy credit score haven. You can honestly, improve your credit with a title loan but it takes patience and small steps, but more importantly a company that’s about the consumer. That’s what Title Loanz offers its customers, an opportunity to get a low interest loan, while you keep your car, and help you build your credit.
Our simple process is easy and there is absolutely no credit check with same day approval. Bad credit or no credit will be approved with the amount determined by the value of your vehicle. Title Loanz is located in Johnson County near Overland Park, Shawnee, Mission, Lenexa, Gardner and Paola.
Sometimes we have barriers that arise in our lives that destabilize us, it may be the loss of a job, transitioning into a new career, medical problems or family problems that can attribute to the inability to pay bills. The small glitches we have when we are younger catches up with us when we are finally starting to launch our careers, create our homes and start our lives.
The first time shopping for a family car, credit card or a home will remind you of the importance of credit and how when an emergency arises, banks and other financial lenders either don’t approve you for a loan or will charge you high interest rates to obtain the loan you need. You can get a fresh start with Title Loanz, providing you keep your account in the positive you can acquire documentation proving your commendable payment history. Once you acquire the documentation, simply contact all three (3) major credit reporting agencies; Equifax, Transunion and Experian to have your positive credit history added to your credit profile.
The majority of the times pay day loan and title loan lenders don’t report your history to the major credit bureaus, unless of course you default on your loan and your account enters into a third party collection agency. Avoid the hassle! Title Loanz low interest rate allows you a better opportunity to retain the budget you need to acquire a positive payment history and to pay the loan off in a reasonable time. We do this by applying monthly principal payments and not only paying towards your interest each month.
When obtaining a loan, establish a time span to pay off loan in full. This is the best way to control your loan with any lender. Predatory lending only benefits the company, so here at Title Loanz we lend with our customers in mind. We have flexible terms starting from 1 month to 24 months options to pay loan off in easy monthly payments. Title Loanz will offer you the best price for your vehicle, therefore saving you interest yearly compared to similar loans.